Research institutes

The research teams are shared among 3 great institutes of the “Pôle BALARD”:

  • Charles Gerhardt Institute:

Molecular Architectures and Nanostructured Materials, Engineering and Macromolecular Architecture, Advanced Materials for Catalysis and Health

  • European Institute of Membranes:

Membranes separation and technology: polymer, ceramic and hybrid membranes

  • Institute of Separative Chemistry of Marcoule:

Chemistry for nuclear energy: properties of complex fluids and heterogeneous solids

  • Max Mousseron Institute of Biomolecules

In addition, a number of ENSCM researchers carry out their research activities in the field of Biology and Health at the Montpellier Neuroscience Institute.


By year it represents about: 650 publications, 60 patents and 3M€ industrial contracts. 1st center for start-up creation